SCADA systems
Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems have traditionally played a vital role by providing utilities with valuable knowledge and capabilities that are key to a primary business function – delivering power in a reliable and safe manner. A quality SCADA solution is central to effective operation of a utility’s most critical and costly distribution, transmission, and generation assets.
The challenging issues for SCADA systems and projects today are not the same as they were a few years ago. Today, there is much more importance placed on integration, use of new communication and network technologies, access to information by more users, and other purposes.
National Minority Supplier Development Council

The W4 Group Corporation exists to be a world-class firm that exudes humility, displays integrity, and earns respect. We can provide end-to-end services to large-scale systems, programs, and businesses all while enhancing quality and fostering a culture of excellence.